Long story short - the posts from 2011 are from the original attempt with my friends to go to the "Race" group of the Bamako rally, to which I (D, real name David ;)) didn't manage to go in the end. Any posts starting October '12 are from the 2012 attempt with me and the wife :)
Do note, I use all kinds of colorful language, and am politically incorrect. You have been warned.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Got stuff?

Dear Budapest- or Ljubljana-based friends: 

Since the Budapest-Bamako (Bissau) rally is a charity rally, we will be donating stuff to a village, a school, a library, and a center that helps young people get jobs. Therefore, if any one of you has the the articles mentioned below that you can donate, we'll take them with us to donate in Africa: 

We're looking for: school supplies, medical supplies, children's clothes, computer, computer accessories, solar panels, tools, sewing machines, small machines, anything that would enable a person to earn money, typewrites, instruments, SIM unlocked cell phones, medical supplies and toys.

If you have any of this, please let me or Mojca know and we'll come collect it. Thank you!

And if you want to just give money - there's a PayPal Donate button to the right! You would be giving your money to me (not a random African village or a suspicious "we'll take 70% for overhead" organization) and Mojca and I will go buy medical supplies or school supplies and deliver them for you. So your money will not dissapear into a big black hole of charity donations, AND you get a picture of the actual donation taking place as a thank you! :)


  1. David,
    It looks like PayPal accepts just HUF. Please let me know if 216 HUF is about $100 USD.
    Carolyn Harris

  2. Carolyn,

    I set it up in HUF on purpose, but I didn't think it was the ONLY currency it will allow... Sorry about that. 100 USD is, near as makes no difference, 20k HUF - more than enough and as promised, a picture of your donation will be forthcoming..
