Long story short - the posts from 2011 are from the original attempt with my friends to go to the "Race" group of the Bamako rally, to which I (D, real name David ;)) didn't manage to go in the end. Any posts starting October '12 are from the 2012 attempt with me and the wife :)
Do note, I use all kinds of colorful language, and am politically incorrect. You have been warned.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Dear reader. (Yes you. You're the only one anyway, you know who you are.)

So, yeah, last year didn't work out all that well - two of us made it, one (me) - didn't... But this year... THIS YEAR...

The wife and I are going.
No, really.

Stop laughing. And fuck you. :)

Of course, we're recreational drivers and are taking this as a joke, so we're not going in the race category - but rather going as contestants in the "Spirit of Bamako" category, which means that we need to have a crazy car to be allowed to go.
So, we compromised. Crazy, but something that's unlikely to actively try to kill us, that won't be a menace on the road, or doesn't have proven tendencies to die randomly 100km away from civilization (anything made in France between 1975 or so and 2000, I'm looking at you).

So, we have a car... I don't know what we're calling it yet. But it's a 1996 Subaru Legacy 4WD, 4-speed automatic with 190.000km on the odometer. And right now, it's sitting in the shop getting the initial service done, and hopefully that will be it.
But because god doesn't always seem to feel the same way I do, I'm sure there will be another problem that will need to be fixed.

Pictures to follow tomorrow, after we pick it up and drive it back home to Budapest. Call it a test drive. :D

And for the fun part... I just ordered 150$ worth of LED lights from china to put on the car.

We did mention it's supposed to look... crazy? :)

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